

At Rhode Island College we are looking to see students succeed in a variety of ways. We believe that Starfish will allow for direct communication between students and faculty.


Starfish gives you a convenient way to keep track of your students – raising flags when you observe a pattern of behavior that concerns you, 确保校园里可以干预的人都知道. It also allows your students to easily book an appointment with you or someone else who can help.

开始很容易. Accessible through your existing systems (often your Learning Management or Student Information system), Starfish will automatically display all students that you have been assigned or are enrolled in your courses.

海星学院信息 & Staff

Some of your profile, such as your contact information, is imported from Peoplesoft.  

  1. Click on your name in the Top Navigation bar and select the Institutional Profile tab.
  2. Help students put a face to your name by using the Upload Photo link beneath your existing photo or placeholder to upload a photo. 浏览至相片档案(.jpg, .png, or .gif),然后单击“立即上传”按钮更新您的照片.
  3. Edit your Phone and add an Alternate Email address to have Starfish send email to an address other than your institution email. 选择Both单选按钮接收两个帐户的电子邮件.
  4. 再次检查所选时区是否与您的时区匹配. This time zone will be used when including appointment times in emails from Starfish.
  5. Add information to the General Overview and My Biography sections to let students know a bit more about you. This information will appear to students who can make appointments with you in Starfish.
  6. 单击Submit按钮保存更改.

你第一次登录海星的时候, Starfish will provide a ‘wizard’ to walk you through setting up your office hours, 什么能让学生和你一起安排时间. 如果您还不希望完成向导, check the box labeled “Show me this 办公时间 Setup Page again next time I login if I don’t have any 办公时间”, 然后单击关闭按钮.

如果你的办公时间每周都不一样, 如果你的办公时间不是每周重复一次, 点击这里“链接”.

​If your office hours recur, complete the fields presented to specify:

  1. 你们哪天有办公时间? -每天打勾.
  2. 你们的办公时间是几点? —输入开始和结束时间.
  3. 他们在哪里?? - select the Type of setting and enter the Details in the field provided (e.g. 你办公室的大楼和房间号).
  4. 如果相关, provide Instructions for students who make appointments with you.
  5. 单击“设置办公时间”按钮以节省办公时间.​

设置额外的办公时间或进行任何更改, use the buttons on your Home or Appointments page to Add 办公时间, 添加预约, 添加组会话, 预留时间或使用调度向导.

You will receive an email reminder when there is a new survey for you to complete. Each individual survey presents a student roster for one course section on whom you can raise flags.

  1. ​Select the progress survey link on your Starfish Home page to go the Progress Surveys tab. (仅当您有活动调查时可见). The selected survey opens, listing your students on the left, and items you may raise across the top.
  2. 在每个项目/学生组合前打勾. 单击注释图标()打开注释文本框. Click the information icon ( ) associated with an item to verify whether or not the student can view the flag and related comments.
  3. 只有当您完成提供反馈后,才单击Submit按钮. The items you selected will be raised on your students when you submit the survey.

重要的是: Once you have submitted the survey you will not have an opportunity to add to or undo the items you raised. 如果您还没有准备好提交调查问卷,请使用Save Draft选项. You may be asked to submit more than one course survey if more than one of your courses has been included in the survey plan for your institution. They will be listed in the drop-down menu on the Progress Surveys tab.

当你关心某个学生的时候, 升起旗帜, to-do, 或者转诊来交流你的观察. The appropriate individuals will be automatically notified when you save the item.

  1. 单击“学生”导航项以查看学生列表.
  2. 通过在搜索框中输入姓名来查找所需的学生.
  3. 点击学生的名字,打开学生文件夹.
  4. 单击Flag按钮.

A list of flags that you have permission to raise on this student is displayed.

  1. 从列表中选择所需的Flag.
  2. 如果相关, 从课程上下文中选择一门课程, 下拉列表, 并在“评论”框中输入备注.
  3. 点击Save按钮.​

Notes: The Student View: indicates whether the student can view the flag and the notes you include in the Comment box. The Permissions area lists roles that have permission to view the selected flag and the notes you include in the Comment box.






Starfish will email you a calendar item for each appointment and a summary of flag activity for your students. Use the Email Notifications tab of your Profile to modify details of how and when you receive these notifications.



Click the hyperlink associated with the student’s name wherever you find it to reach the Student Folder. (e.g. 在学生名单中,在预约中,或在进度调查中).



从日历中选择日期, and hover (don’t click) over the icon associated with the 办公时间 on the desired day. Click the Cancel button and select, “Just this one” from the pop up 办公时间 card presented. 


从议程视图来看, hover (don’t click) over the 办公时间 icon ( ) next to an office hour title. 从弹出的办公时间卡中选择取消. (如果您在日历上选择的日期包含一个esball官方网, you will have the option to cancel “Just this one” or “The entire series”)
