Let’s Go There: Gender Pronouns

在RIC,我们尊重和庆祝使我们每个人都独一无二的差异. 虽然我们中的许多人都被教导有两种且只有两种性别——男性和女性——但我们意识到,在我们的世界和校园里,有些人并不认同他们出生时被赋予的性别. 对于那些既不属于男性也不属于女性的人, 经常提到男性和女性的二元分类可能会让人疏远, triggering, and exclusive. Therefore, 我们鼓励校园社区的每一位成员尊重每个人的性别认同和首选人称代词.

The Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ODEI) highly recommends that RIC students, faculty, 员工们通过尽可能地标明自己的人称代词来展示他们对包容的承诺. 这样做的一个好地方是每个人的电子邮件签名. For example:

From: Jdoe_2020@tanxiqiao.net
To: Associate VP for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Using Gender-Neutral Language

Good day,



J. Doe

Jamie Doe | He/him or they/them

Project Manager
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI)
Rhode Island College
600 Mount Pleasant Avenue
Providence, RI 02908


Shared Concepts

  • Gender: 一种社会结构,用于将人划分为男人、女人或其他身份. Fundamentally different from the sex one is assigned at birth; a set of social, psychological and emotional traits, often influenced by societal expectations
  • Gender Expression: How one expresses oneself, in terms of dress, 被社会定性为“男性化”或“女性化”的习惯和/或行为."
  • Gender-neutral/Gender-inclusive Pronoun: 中性代词或包容性代词是指不将性别与正在讨论的个人联系起来的代词.


  1. 《贝博esball官方网站》作者:Kim Elsesser Forbes Magazine
  2. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee LGBTQ+ Resource Center

Frequently Asked Questions

我们不能总是仅仅通过观察一个人的代词来推测他们. 询问并正确使用别人的代词是表达你对他们性别认同的尊重的最基本方式之一.

When someone is referred to with the wrong pronoun, it can make them feel disrespected, invalidated, dismissed, alienated, or dysphoric (often all of the above.)

不用担心别人会根据他们对你性别的看法来称呼你,这是一种特权. If you have this privilege, yet fail to respect someone else’s gender identity, it is not only disrespectful and hurtful, but also oppressive.

She/her/hers和he/him/his是一些常用的代词. 有些人称这些代词为“女性的”和“男性的”, 但许多人避免使用这些标签,因为不是每个使用他的人都觉得自己是“男性”或“阳刚”.”

There are also lots of gender-neutral pronouns in use. Here are a few you might hear:

  • 例如:谢伊吃他们的食物是因为他们饿了.)这是一个很常见的中性代词,可以用单数形式. In fact, “they” was voted as the Word of the Year in 2015.
  • Ze/hir/hir (Tyler ate hir food because ze was hungry.)“Ze”的发音与“zee”类似,也可以拼写为zie或xe,用来代替她/他/他们. Hir的发音类似于“here”,取代了her/hers/him/his/they/their.

*Never refer to a person as “it” or “he-she”. 这些是针对变性人和性别不一致的人的冒犯性辱骂.

It’s okay! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. 如果你用错了某人的代词,最好的办法就是马上说出来, like “Sorry, I meant (insert pronoun)”


很多时候,你很容易不停地说自己搞砸了有多糟糕,或者想要把事情做好有多难. Please don’t! 这是不合适的,而且会让被性别歧视的人感到尴尬,觉得有责任安慰你, which is absolutely not their job.

Taking an active role in your classes, 你可能会听到你的学生用错了某人的代名词. In most cases, 适当的做法是温和地纠正这些错误,而不要让被误解的人进一步感到尴尬. 这意味着说“Alex使用代词she”,然后继续往下说. 如果其他学生或教师总是对某人使用错误的代词,不要忽视它! 让你的学生知道你是他们的盟友是很重要的.

你可以这样接近他们,说:“我注意到之前有人用错了代词称呼你, and I know that that can be really hurtful. 你不介意我把他们叫到一边提醒他们注意你的代词吧?必要时跟进,但要根据学生的舒适程度来判断. Your actions will be greatly appreciated.

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Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Office of Diversity, Equity, & 包容性导致了促进多元化的制度举措, inclusive, and equitable campus community.