

If a person's conduct is clearly or imminently reckless, 无序, 危险的, 或威胁自己或他人, 请拨打911或校园安全. For a person experiencing a 心理健康 emergency or life-threatening situation, 拨打911, 校园安全 or go to your local emergency room.


The 护理团队 is a proactive 和 collaborative approach to early identification, 审查, 和 management of students of concern that are in need of support. The team responds to non-emergency situations involving at risk students 和 works to connect them to essential support services on 和/or off campus.

The 护理团队 is here to receive 和 审查 concerns.



The CARE team serves as a resource to the campus community by providing guidance for faculty 和 staff regarding how to seek assistance 和 refer students in need of support. 除了, the team seeks to create a network where the campus community can respond to situations involving students 和 work to connect them to essential support services on 和/or off campus. 

The CARE team aims to promote student wellbeing 和 success while prioritizing the safety of students 和 the RIC community.


The 护理团队 focuses on addressing non-emergency behavioral, 心理健康, wellness 和/or social concerns inside or outside of the classroom. Should your concern involve one of these areas, completing a CARE团队转介 是合适的.  
Should your concern be more academic in nature, 递交海星旗 会更合适.
In the event 一个学生 has disclosed sexual harassment or discrimination, filing an 事故报告 with the Office of 机构股票 会更合适.

Please Note: Rhode Isl和 College employees designated as Campus Security Authorities are required to complete an 事故报告 for disclosures of sexual harassment.

When you have an immediate concern regarding the safety of yourself, 一个学生, or other members of the Rhode Isl和 College Community, please contact Campus Police (available during/after business hours): 401-456-8888 或者拨打911.

When you would like a direct 电话 consultation with a 咨询服务 provider regarding 一个学生 concern, please contact 咨询服务 (Monday–Friday, 上午8:30 -下午4:30) 401-456-8094.

CARE团队有一个 关怀小组转介表格 that allows you to express a concern for 审查.

When making a referral, please have the following information available:

  • 你的名字,部门,联系电话
  • 学生姓名,联系电话
  • 你关注的具体性质

一旦收到推荐, a member of the 护理团队 will outreach to the student 和 begin the process of intervention in a sensitive manner.


  • We have various campus representatives on the 护理团队 assisting with outreach.
  • Items discussed as part of the 护理团队 are protected by the Family Educational Privacy Act (FERPA), 和, 像这样, 我们能讨论的内容有限.
  • Each case will be on a different resolution timeline.

因此, it is likely that you will not receive a follow-up response, but please know that your referral has been taken seriously 和 responded to.

如果您有更紧急的事情,请 填写一份护理团队表格. Referrals are read 和 responded to during normal business hours.  如有疑问,请致电校园警察 401-456-8888 和 they will contact the most appropriate person for immediate response.

The Counseling Center is always a great resource. 他们在布朗厅,可以打电话联系到他们 401-456-8055 or counselingcenter@tanxiqiao.net.
For non-business hours, the RIC HOPE Line is a 24-hour 心理健康 support service. 号码是 401 - 456的希望 (4673).
For assistance with things like food 和 housing insecurity, 同伴指导, 与外部资源的联系等., 学习生活 对学生来说是一个很好的综合资源吗. 可以联系到他们 401-456-6320 or l4linfo@tanxiqiao.net.
一如既往, the 学生办公室主任 is happy to help students with some of their more complex concerns. 我们可以在 401-456-8061 or deanofstudents@tanxiqiao.net.


  • 学生办公室主任
  • 学习生活
  • 残疾人士服务中心
  • 机构公平/第九条
  • 居住生活与住房
  • Center for Health 和 Wellness (Health Services, 咨询服务, 健康促进, 学习生活, 食物和思想储藏室 & 休息室)*
  • 校园安全
  • 咨询办公室
  • 法律顾问(如有需要)

*另外, the CARE team may extend an invitation to a faculty partner with expertise in the topic being discussed.
* While the Center for Health 和 Wellness is a confidential resource they attend CARE team meetings to offer general guidance.
* This team meets bi-weekly (or on an as-needed basis) to consult, 审查, 和 coordinate outreach for students of concern 和 in need of support.




We improve the quality of student life by addressing students’ needs 和 we work to maintain student safety.





Pegah Rahmanian
